ini_set("memory_limit","100M"); ini_set("max_execution_time","3600"); session_start(); //enter your MySQL database host name, often it is not necessary to edit this line $db_host = "localhost"; //enter your MySQL database username $db_username = "ljaykay"; //enter your MySQL database password $db_password = "PepeTreS-87"; //enter your MySQL database name $db_name = "catchcal_ljaykay"; /* Enter the full address to the directory where you have installed the script for example, if you installed the script at the "yellow" directory, the $BannerPath should looks like: //$BannerPath = ""; */ $BannerPath = ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// do not edit below this line /////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //connect to the database server $connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password) or die(mysql_error()); //select database $db = mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection); $t = time(); ?>